Month summary - June 2020

Posted by Tobiasz Kedzierski on 30.06.2020

June 2020

I am aggregating here some more or less interesting stuff of various IT related materials which I came across this month. Some of them are strictly related to the things I did or am currently doing.

Some thoughts

This month I passed an exam and I became a Google Cloud Associate Engineer. I worked intensively on developing GitHub Actions workflow which builds source distribution and wheels for Python SDK package in Apache Beam project. When it is merged then publishing could be done without separate repository beam-wheels. It requires changing the release process which is my next goal.


Second-guessing the modern web

A critical look at the SPA + API backend pattern currently en vogue


Azure DevOps: Python Wheels

This one is about making Python wheels. If you want to play nice with Python users, or you have a complex build, this will make your package far more accessible to users. They are faster to install and to use and more secure.


Django Class-Based Views in Diagrams

Starting with each class-based views (CBVs) dispatch method, these diagrams break down each view until it reaches a response or redirects.


GCP professional-services

Common solutions and tools developed by Google Cloud's Professional Services team.


A shell script static analysis tool


kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”. kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development or CI.


Metabase is the easy, open source way for everyone in your company to ask questions and learn from data.


Dash is the most downloaded, trusted framework for building ML & data science web apps.


Redash is designed to enable anyone, regardless of the level of technical sophistication, to harness the power of data big and small. SQL users leverage Redash to explore, query, visualize, and share data from any data sources.


shhgit finds secrets and sensitive files across GitHub (including Gists), GitLab and BitBucket committed in near real time.

Apache Superset

A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application.


Fast analytics for modern teams. Based on Apache Superset


Executing bash scripts with a webhook in Google Cloud

Bash scripts in Cloud Run

Other stuff


A simple tutorial for creating manually triggered GitHub Actions workflows