Month summary - April 2021

Posted by Tobiasz Kedzierski on 30.04.2021

April 2021

I am aggregating here some more or less interesting stuff of various IT related materials which I came across this month. Some of them are strictly related to the things I did or am currently doing.

Some thoughts

I completed Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine course on

Datastuido dashboard Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine - Certificate


No one gives a shit what programming language you use

I’ve had it up to here (gestures at nose level) with the bullshit around programming language elitism. Back when I thought it mattered I was just as bad as the bullshit I’m seeing today, but when I see this elitism in 2021, from people who long ago should have learned better, it just sets off my I-can’t-fucking-take-this alarm.

10 Expert Tips For Starting A New Job And Ensuring First-Week Success

Now that you know how crucial that initial period on the job is, let’s look at what HR professionals, career coaches, and executives have to say about conquering your first week at work.

The Architecture Behind A One-Person Tech Startup

This is a long-form post breaking down the setup I use to run a SaaS. From load balancing to cron job monitoring to payments and subscriptions. There's a lot of ground to cover, so buckle up!

Ethernet and IP Networking 101 (Heavily Illustrated)

This article is an attempt to sort the basic things out with the minimum words and maximum drawings.

How is it that we’ve found ways to organize the work around so many other creative disciplines but writing software is still hard?

Programming is hard

Programming is hard, programming is not for everyone, and for the time being everyone might be able to do it, but most definitely most should not.

The social contract of open source

Open source code is like me putting a stack of USB drives with my open source code on them on my front lawn with a sign that says "FREE", and you coming by and taking a USB drive when you want the latest copy of my open source code.

Burned Out and Fantasizing About a Big Life Reset? Start Here

You're never too old to ask "What should I be when I grow up?" Whether you’re tired of the corporate slog or longing for something different, take these concrete steps towards your dream job.


Free Python Books

A list of Python books in English that are free to read online or download.

How I Beat the Berlin Rental Market With a Python Script

Berlin has a massive undersupply of housing — a widespread phenomenon in western cities.

All The Important Features and Changes in Python 3.10

The release of Python 3.10 is getting closer, so it’s time to take a look at most important new features and changes it’s going to bring.

Learn by reading code: Python standard library design decisions explained (for advanced beginners)

Maybe you've heard you should develop an eye by reading and writing a lot of code. It's true. So, what code should you read?


Deploy A Site Live - Matt Layman

Deployment is the act of making your application live to your audience, and this article explains the actions you should consider to deploy effectively.

Django’s Place in a Web Development World Ruled by React

But equally, in Django and React we have two frameworks that should be complementary to each other — one is a backend framework, the other is for the frontend. As Simon Willison pointed out, there are relatively simple ways to have a React-built user interface that gets data from a Django backend as needed.

Fluent in Django: Improving your application

Uploading an image, using packages, pagination, customizing admin.

Deploying Django at small scale

Small scale websites allow you to get away with things which sound counter intuitive when you are used to deploying complex web applications with service level agreements, or when you are just starting out and only find resources talking about those production ready deployments.

Django libraries


Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3.0 schema generation for Django REST framework.



dupeGuru is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system. It is written mostly in Python 3 and has the peculiarity of using multiple GUI toolkits, all using the same core Python code.


dbt (data build tool) enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications. dbt is the T in ELT. Organize, cleanse, denormalize, filter, rename, and pre-aggregate the raw data in your warehouse so that it's ready for analysis.


Caddy is an extensible server platform that uses TLS by default.


Kubernetes deployment strategies

In Kubernetes there is few different way to release an application, you have to carefully choose the right strategy to make your infrastructure resilient.

How To Become A Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect

After about two months’ preparation, I got my Professional Cloud Architect certificate this week. This experience gives me a lot on Google Cloud Platform(a.k.a. GCP) and architecture design principles. The exam is not difficult at all for a veteran engineer, and I haven’t tried GCP before in my life. I’ll explain how to pass it quickly, and how you can get the most of it rather than just a certificate.

AWS CloudFormation Templates & Best Practices

Everything you need to know about CloudFormation


Stackery is a serverless platform to design, develop and deliver modern applications.

Other stuff

OWASP - Docker Security Cheat Sheet

The aim of this cheat sheet is to provide an easy to use list of common security mistakes and good practices that will help you secure your Docker containers.


PubSub i Python w jednym stali domku, czyli asnychroniczny system eventowy. - Miłosz Kusiciel

DjangoCon 2019 - Prepping Your Project for Production by Peter Baumgartner

Bombshell! Manipulated Google Search Results PROVED

Why you should define your fears instead of your goals - Tim Ferries