Month summary - August 2021

Posted by Tobiasz Kedzierski on 31.08.2021

August 2021

I am aggregating here some more or less interesting stuff of various IT related materials which I came across this month. Some of them are strictly related to the things I did or am currently doing.


10 Habits of Every Successful Remote Worker

A more productive way to make use of your time is to study to discover what the most successful authorities in your industry do in common.

This last week we’ve been implementing cursors for the Disqus API (3.0). If you’re not familiar, the concept is like cursors in your database: create a marker for where you are with your result set so you can iterate through a large set of results efficiently. Think of it like a snapshot. A marker that lets us retrieve the results you were previously looking for, and return a subset of those results.


a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv)

pyenv-virtualenv is a pyenv plugin that provides features to manage virtualenvs and conda environments for Python on UNIX-like systems.


Handling 100 Requests Per Second with Python & Django

This article compares the performance of hosting services and explains how they stress-tested their application to ensure the best performance at the right cost.

Get yourself a better Django proxy experience

Ah, Django proxy models and the power they hold! Yet, the implementation aftermath can highlight a number of unwanted side-effects. Here’s a couple of tips when working with Django proxies that will make end-users grateful and developers sigh in relief.

Django Rest Framework Recipes

In this article I’m going to share a bunch of recipes from my use of django rest framework taken from my latest project. They all come from just a single ViewSet (set of related api endpoints)!

Reining in the thundering herd ⛈ Getting to 80% CPU utilization with Django

Going from 10K to 1M requests per minute.

What's new in Django 3.2 LTS

It’s that time again, time for another Django LTS release. Since Django 2.2, back in 2019, a lot has changed in tech, in Python and of course in Django.

Django libraries


This package provides routers and fields to create nested resources in the Django Rest Framework.

Other stuff


Build your own (insert technology here).


DjangoCon Europe 2021 (Virtual)

36 talks from PyCon Europe 2021 - Playlist

Learning Awk Is Essential For Linux Users