Month summary - October 2021

Posted by Tobiasz Kedzierski on 30.10.2021

October 2021

I am aggregating here some more or less interesting stuff of various IT related materials which I came across this month. Some of them are strictly related to the things I did or am currently doing.


Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet

“Facebook can't be down, can it?”, we thought, for a second.

Why flow matters more than passion

I have heard many managers and ICs alike say that when they are hiring and promoting, they’re looking for someone who has passion for programming. They think that because programming is tough, only the passionate will stick it out and do their best work.


Python 3.10: Cool New Features for You to Try

Python 3.10 is out! Volunteers have been working on the new version since May 2020 to bring you a better, faster, and more secure Python. As of October 4, 2021, the first official version is available.

Structural pattern matching in Python 3.10

Summary: Python 3.10, which is due out in early October 2021, will include a large new language feature called structural pattern matching. This article is a critical but (hopefully) informative presentation of the feature, with examples based on real-world code.

Understanding all of Python, through its builtins

Python as a language is comparatively simple. And I believe, that you can learn quite a lot about Python and its features, just by learning what all of its builtins are, and what they do. And to back up that claim, I’ll be doing just that.

Tips for debugging with print()

If you’re embarrassed at debugging with print(), please don’t be - it’s perfectly fine! Many bugs are easily tackled with just a few checks in the right places. As much as I love using a debugger, I often reach for a print() statement first.

Docker Best Practices for Python Developers

This article looks at some best practices to follow when writing Dockerfiles and working with Docker in general. While most of the practices listed apply to all developers, regardless of the language, a few apply to only those developing Python-based applications.

The Composition Over Inheritance Principle¶

In Python as in other programming languages, this grand principle encourages software architects to escape from Object Orientation and enjoy the simpler practices of Object Based programming instead.


Django Celery Multiple Queues, when and how to use them

In this tutorial I will show you when to start using multiple queues in Celery and how to do this.

Python libraries


Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development.



SQLFluff is a dialect-flexible and configurable SQL linter. Designed with ELT applications in mind, SQLFluff also works with Jinja templating and dbt. SQLFluff will auto-fix most linting errors, allowing you to focus your time on what matters.

Other stuff

Podcast #716: How to Make Your Life More Effortless - Art Of Manliness

Today on the show, Greg shares how he came to realize that life isn’t just about focusing on the essentials, but making those essential things the easy things. We discuss why it is that we commonly make things harder than they need to be, and how while the right thing can be hard, just because something is hard, doesn’t make it the right thing.

Get More Done With the Rule of 3

While it’s a concept that’s been discussed in various blogs and books, author Chris Bailey defines it thusly: “At the beginning of each day, before you start working, decide what three things you want to accomplish by the end of the day. Do the same at the start of every week.”


Tarun Garg - Design Django models such that your future self will thank you 👋 - DjangoCon US 2021

Principles of System Integration

Pointers? In my Python? (It's More Likely Than You Think)