Month summary - May 2022

Posted by Tobiasz Kedzierski on 31.05.2022

May 2022

I am aggregating here some more or less interesting stuff of various IT related materials which I came across this month. Some of them are strictly related to the things I did or am currently doing.

Some thoughts

I worked remotely from different locations in Poland so after work I spent most of my time off the computer :)


How I built my tech startup as a solo developer

Time flies! Here are some thoughts, tips, and mistakes after running a tech company as a solo developer for almost a year.

Comments: How Google Developers write their comments

Did you know that there are different types of comments? And can you put it to good use?s

5 simple things every developer can do to ship more secure code

From plug-and-play automations to protected branches, here are simple ways any developer can build more secure software on GitHub—all with a free account.

A dev's thoughts on developer productivity

Why don't we hear more developer voices in the conversation about "developer productivity"? Most self-styled experts on developer productivity seem more interested in selling something rather than painting an accurate picture of how devs really work. Perhaps as a consequence, we're swimming in acronyms, magic metrics, and methodologies, but not a lot of rigorous systems thinking.


Automate All the Boring Kubernetes Operations With Python

Learn how you can use Python’s Kubernetes Client library to automate all the boring Kubernetes tasks and operations.


Pagination for a User-Friendly Django App

You can improve the user experience of your Django web app significantly by spreading your content over multiple pages instead of serving all of it at once. This practice is called pagination. To implement pagination, you have to consider page count, items per page, and the order of pages.



Run your GitHub Actions locally!


Setting up secure Pub/Sub flow with Go and Terraform

This article covers fully managed message processing pipeline that handles errors and notifications.

Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect (PCA) certification — Best 2022 resources

Best resources to pass the GCP PCA exam in 1 month in 2022

startcloudnow - Google Cloud resources

These are the most awesome prep sheets to help you. I just ask that you share with anyone you think may be interested in prepping for the exam or just want a quick review on the topics.

Google Cloud Serverless technology never sleep

Trying to look for the most efficient solution to deploy your application is a good approach.

Taking a first look at Google Cloud Architecture Diagramming Tool

In February 2022, the Google Cloud Platform team launched their Google Cloud Architecture Diagramming Tool. It looked awesome, and we’re really excited to try out the one-click deployment option. Let’s take a look.

Other stuff

Best open source DevOps Tools and Technologies.

Computer Networks From Scratch - Seth Archer Brown

Have you ever really wanted to know what happens when you click on a link, enter a search term, or upload photos to the cloud?s