Model property in Django

Posted by Tobiasz Kedzierski on 03.02.2019

Model property in Django

When you want to associate field with some function you can override save() method. Another convenient way to do this is to use Python property getter/setter to run some custom code. Important thing is that you don't have to run migrations to do this (if tables are not changed of course)

class TestCase(models.Model):
        ("passed", "passed"),
        ("failed", "failed"),
        ("unknown", "unknown"),
        ("error", "error"),

    _status = models.CharField(
        max_length=9, choices=TEST_STATUS_CHOICES, default="unknown", db_column="status"

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def status(self, value):
        if value in ["passed", "failed", "unknown"]:
            self._status = value
            self.scenario.status = "error"
            self._status = "error"


tags: python, django