This year was filled with learning and growth in several key areas.
In 2024, I went deep into the AI realm, experimenting with tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude. Among these, Claude best met my needs. I used NotebookLM to create a year-end summary podcast, which you can find at the end of this post. I also came across fabric, an open-source framework designed to augment human capabilities using AI.
This year, I had the opportunity to give two presentations during internal tech meetups:
I earned two certifications this year. First, I became a certified GitHub Actions expert, a proud achievement after mastering the tool. Second, I validated my five-year experience with Terraform by passing the HashiCorp Certification: Terraform Associate (003) exam.
In free time I decided to create a personal project: a photoblog. I used Hugo and GitHub Actions to create the blog, keeping the source code in a private repository to maintain the privacy of the original-size photos and their metadata. My photoblog is now available for viewing at photos.tobked.dev. More about it in September Summary
Productivity by Heart
I also completed the Productivity By Heart course, which brought back the creativity spark I felt I had lost. This course offered a fresh perspective on productivity and has been a game-changer for me.
As always, I've kept up with my monthly summaries, where I compile a few sentences about each month, along with any interesting articles, tools, and other materials I've come across. Each month, I also add a personal touch with a photo I've taken.
I also wrote an additional blog post:
2024 was an intensive year, but I've learned a lot. I've compiled my reflections on the year in a podcast, which you can listen to below (made with NotebookLM).