Year summary - 2021

Posted by Tobiasz Kedzierski on 01.01.2022


Yeah, 2021. Give me a break. When you thought 2020 was hard, 2021 hit me so hard Mike Tyson would not be ashamed of these punches. But life is life, there are always ups and downs.

Programming journey

Apache Beam provider for Apache Airflow

In February, the Apache Beam provider for Apache Airflow on which I was working for several weeks was finally merged into master.

It is available on pypi:


Also in February, the software house Polidea for which I worked was acquired by Snowflake. Got an offer and worked there for a few months but I decided to go another way. I worked for a few months for Brival which is a small software house from Częstochowa where I had a chance to develop the backend for a video-chat self-help plumbing application.

Increased Cloud competencies

I continued my journey with Cloud. In November, I passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam and got a certificate. I already have some knowledge about the Google Cloud Platform (Google Cloud Associate Certificate), so expanding it with another provider gave me a better understanding of the Cloud in general. I have a better overview of possibilities which Cloud computing offers and feel much more confident in this field. It is interesting to observe how major players solve the same problems in different ways.

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner -

Learning, talking

I completed the Productivity course which helped and continues to help me improve my time (and life) management.

I also learned how to use this iconic text editor called Vim. Maybe I am not very efficient with it, hence I don’t use it for everything but comfortable enough to do some work with it.

I gave two presentations:

  • Brival Tech Talk: GIT - tips & tricks
  • Brival internal talk: Terraform and Google Cloud Platform

Brival Tech Talk - tips & tricks Brival Tech Talk - Terraform


I have been writing monthly summaries where I am trying to compile a few sentences about the last month together with articles, tools and other interesting materials I came across.

2021 summaries:

I also wrote two additional blog posts:


Fixed Gear





Beskid Wyspowy

Beskid Wyspowy



tags: summary, year, 2021